About Us

Il Pistacchio is a third generation family dating back from the 1900 owned business specializing in the preparation and marketing of Bronte pistachio (PDO) , Italian hazelnut and almond products as well as other gourmet products of the region. We focus on preparing these nuts and nut products for personal consumption as snacks and for use as ingredients  by bakers, pastry makers, gelato and ice cream makers.

Il Pistacchio founded in 2011 by Alfio Corica, Il Pistacchio has grown from a very small firm to a specialized commercial entity with a full line of gourmet products and an active on-line presence. On-line sales to the European community are an important part of our business and that in turn has led to a decision  to expand our export activities. We are now able to offer efficient export services to potential customers in North America and have recently completed shipments to both Canada and the United States.

Alfio Corica is the President of Il Pistacchio. Alfio is a life-long resident of Bronte who grew up in the family business . Alfio holds a degree in Economy and IT.  He has great expernce in quality control, sales and shipping

Luca Castiglione is an expert on international sales holding a degree in Marketing from LSBU and an MBA from Coventry  University. He has experience in food products and processing equipment…… he supervise the logistic and marketing activities.

Arthur Corazzini …is our key US state-side representative. He is a graduate of Boston College and holds a PhD in Economics from Princeton University. Arthur has both government and private sector experience and adds industry analysis , strategic planning and US food sales experience to our skills package.